Update Ledger

The updateLedger API call is used to update the ledger page for a Vault customer and to provide a corresponding PDF file for the customer to download.

As the table data is a JSON string, it will need to be base64 encoded to prevent certain characters in it from breaking the request JSON.

This is only possible if the user has approved your access.
(see Listing Accounts and Account Details)

JSON request

uid: the unique reference used when creating the account.
table: Base64 encoded JSON data for display on customer's ledger page.
pdf: downloadable PDF file content as a base64 data URL. i.e.

data:application/pdf;base64,[base64 encoded file]

  "action": "updateLedger",
  "uid": 1001,
  "pdf": "data:application/pdf;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAA...RU5ErkJggg==",
  "table": "-- Base64 encoded json formatted string --"

JSON response


  "error": "",
  "status": "success",
  "data": "-- Base64 encoded AES-256-CBC encrypted JSON --",
  "action": "updateLedger",
  "version": "1.07",
  "proc_time": 1651428510,
  "proc_id": 86

"data" (decrypted)


  "error": "invalid json table data",
  "status": "failure",
  "data": "-- Base64 encoded AES-256-CBC encrypted JSON --",
  "action": "updateLedger",
  "version": "1.07",
  "proc_time": 1651428362,
  "proc_id": 85

"data" (decrypted)

Common errors

no uid: uid missing

invalid uid: account uid unauthorised or invalid

not approved: The the user hasn't approved your access.

no json table data: table empty or missing

invalid json table data: table is not valid JSON

ledger file is not a PDF: pdf is not a valid PDF file

ledger file size limit exceeded: pdf file is too big

				"Date": 1654085840,
				"Description": "sale of \"23 O\'Connor St.\"",
				"Deposit": 123456.23,
				"Payment": "",
				"Balance": -123456.23
				"Date": 1654172240,
				"Description": ">£100 bracket fees",
				"Deposit": "",
				"Payment": 456.00,
				"Balance": -123000.23
				"Date": 1654258640,
				"Description": "partial fee refund",
				"Deposit": 50.00,
				"Payment": "",
				"Balance": -123050.23
				"Date": 1654345040,
				"Description": "transfer to \'personal acc\' 23-45-67 98562590",
				"Deposit": "",
				"Payment": 123456.23,
				"Balance": 406.00

    /*############### OUTPUT ##################
        [error] => 
        [status] => success
        [data] => {}
        [action] => updateLedger
        [version] => 1.07
        [proc_time] => 1651428510
        [proc_id] => 86


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